<tc>现货充足!免费送至任何一家温哥华殡仪馆。卑诗省丧葬法案规定殡仪馆不得拒收您的自购棺木。不得另收费用,或因自购棺木而调整其他服务价格。如有问题致电我们。中文服务24小时热线:604-833-9193  </tc>
<tc>现货充足!免费送至任何一家温哥华殡仪馆。卑诗省丧葬法案规定殡仪馆不得拒收您的自购棺木。不得另收费用,或因自购棺木而调整其他服务价格。如有问题致电我们。中文服务24小时热线:604-833-9193  </tc>
购物车 0

Movie Prop Coffins / Caskets Rentals

In response to the needs of Vancouver's film industry, we have reserved a dedicated lineup of caskets specifically for film production. Our selection features a variety of styles, colors, and materials to suit your production needs. These caskets are identical to those sold for funeral purposes, providing exceptional authenticity on camera.

The standard rental rate is $400 for 48 hours. To arrange a rental, please contact us at 604-833-9193 or email us at cdvancouverstore@gmail.com